Root Vegetable Pot Pie

Vegan Root Vegetable Pot Pie
Dr. Amy Sapola
3 Purple Potatoes
2 Winter Radishes
2 Small Celery Root or 1 Large
3 Carrots
½-1 cup Leeks
8 cups Vegetable Stock
1 stick of butter
1 cup Organic Corn Grits
6 tbsp Buckwheat Flour
Herbs (rosemary, sage, thyme)
Olive Oil
Superfood Blend (optional)
Cut purple potatoes, winter radishes, celery root, and mixed carrots to a similar size to cook evenly; enough to fill a sheet pan. Toss with olive oil and salt and roast at 400 degrees for 20-30 minutes.
Begin to bring the vegetable stock to a boil to add to other ingredients when ready.
Clean, then chop 1/2-1c of leeks. Add 1 tbsp of butter and brown in a cast iron or ceramic pot with a lid (something that is oven safe).
For the roux, melt 5-6 tbsp. of salted butter, once melted, slowly add 6 tbsp. of buckwheat flower while whisking vigorously. Next, add one ladleful at a time vegetable stock to the roux. Wisk well each time you add until you have a smooth, shiny sauce.
Add the roasted root vegetables to the cast iron/ceramic pot with a lid, add roux, and stir everything together well. Add herbs (rosemary, sage, thyme) and salt and pepper to taste. Continue to cook on low, stirring occasionally while preparing the corn grits topping.
Add 1c of organic corn grits to a pan along with 1tbsp of butter, and toast the grits on medium heat. Begin adding boiling vegetable stock one ladle at a time, whisking well as you add, until approximately 4-5 cups have been incorporated. Add salt and pepper to taste.
Once the grits are cooked, using a spatula, spread the grits on top of the root vegetable, leek, and roux mixture, then put under the broiler for approximately 15 minutes (keep an eye on it, each oven is different, the goal is to brown the grits).
Remove from the oven and allow to cool to a temperature for serving. Once plated add minced superfood blend as a garnish, then serve.
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