Farmer Lee Jones: A Look at Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow

Today, Farmer Lee Jones is going to reveal the top ten Farmer Jones Farm posts of 2021—and then share predictions for 2022. Are you ready?
Top Ten 2021 Posts
#10 What is Regenerative Farming—and Why Does it Matter?
“I’m thrilled that so many people are interested in learning more about regenerative farming,” Farmer Lee Jones says, “and to find out the crucial role it plays in healthy soil, healthy crops, healthy people, and healthy planet.”
#9 Celebrating the Footprints of the Grower
“Whenever Dad would use this saying,” Farmer Lee Jones explains, “he meant that farmers need to have an intimate relationship with the crops they’re growing. So much knowledge can be gleaned by the smell of the soil, the color of a plant’s leaf—and that information can only be gathered by regularly seeing those crops.”
#8 Mother’s Day Memories: Remembering Them and Making New Ones
We really wondered how readers would respond to this post. If you haven’t already browsed this, please do. The mothers of Farmer Lee and the Culinary Vegetable Institute chef, Jamie Simpson, spill the beans—pardon the pun!—about their sons.
#7 Farmer Lee’s ELT Recipe: Fresh Eggplant, Lettuce, and Tomato Sandwich
“I’m certainly not a chef,” Farmer Lee Jones says. “In fact, I’m not even a gourmet cook. What I am is someone who appreciates delicious food and gets excited any time I can enjoy flavorful food that is part of the plant-forward future that we dream about.”
#6 Announcing The Chef’s Garden: A Modern Guide to Common and Unusual Vegetables—with Recipes
We are humbled and honored by your response to our first book. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts!
#5 Celebrating the Squash Blossom and Indulging in Summer Squash
Thirty-five years after Chef Iris Bailin began to teach Farmer Lee Jones and the Jones family what hard-to-find ingredients chefs would love to source, the two meet again! Find out what transpires.
#4 How to Cook Asparagus: Tips from Chef Jamie Simpson
Chef Jamie calls asparagus the “siren of spring,” adding how “the appearance of this vegetable indicates that our long dark winters are behind us, and greener pastures are within our grasp. We only eat asparagus when it is in season—sometimes, three times a day—and then we lust for it over for the next ten months.”
#3 In the Kitchen: Farmer Lee Jones and Chef Jamie Simpson Episode Eight
In these videos, Farmer Lee Jones and Chef Jamie get together in the kitchen to unpack our Best of the Season Box and then cook up a couple simple dishes for you to try at home. We invite you to watch the entire series!
#2 Mineral Rich Vegetables: Celebrate Agricultural Research Results
We’re thrilled to report that, after comparing mineral content of our kale varieties to the USDA baseline nutrient density results, we’ve got wonderful news. Find out more here.
#1 Who Exactly is Farmer Lee Jones!
If you’re a Jeopardy fan, you might remember this answer on an episode: “Imposing Farmer Lee Jones promotes sustainability clad in red bow tie & of course, this classic farmer’s garment.” Read about the answer and much more in this post.
Five 2022 Food Trends
According to The New York Times, the flavor of the year is . . . hibiscus with its “crimson hue and tart, earthy flavor.”
Food and Wine, meanwhile, has this to say: “Chefs will take a creative approach towards minimizing waste and creating flavors from the ingredients themselves.” Here’s the beauty of this idea. Home cooks can do exactly the same thing.
Better Homes and Gardens agrees with a prediction of Whole Foods Markets: that people will embrace “reducetarianism” by eating less meat, dairy, and eggs—approaching vegetarian or vegan status but not quite.
According to Pure Wow, immunity-boosting foods will be “all the rage.” This trend began during 2020-2021 as people focused on having a stronger immune system and will continue in 2022. Consider our Powerhouse Vegetable Boxes and High Nitrate Fresh Greens.
Finally, Eating Well shares how plant-based eating continues to “trend upward”—up by 31% during 2021 as people “desire to eat healthier and more sustainably.”
Happy New Year
From all of us at The Chef's Garden to all of you, we wish you a happy and healthy 2022!
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